A multi-coloured world

Fred J. Quint

Digi Photo Art

Based on pictures I made in B&W, color negatives or slides, these images represent a kind of follow-up on my earlier silkscreen works.

The use of a computer for me was a kind of rescue from the bad odours to which I was exposed making serigraphs.

Starting with my first Macintosh computer in the mid-eighties and PhotoShop version 1.0 in 1990 I learned to make these digital serigraphs. The basic idea is not very different from that used to make my silkscreen serigraphs.

You start with one or more negatives or slides and seperate the colors or tints in the darkroom. You also can make a kind of “photo collage” or perhaps better said “photomontage” from different photos, some or all of them with seperated colours.

With the silkscreen technique you then transfer the extracted color- or tintparts to big photographic films that can be used to make the real “screens” of the printing process. After mixing the colours of your own chosing from different inks, printing each color seperately, makes a final serigraphy.

Now with the computer the colour seperating, inkmixing and especially the cleaning of the screens using solvents is over and you just choose the colour from a computerscreen. Neither do you have to print each colour seperately, modern printers do that all in one go.
Better still; you don´t even have to print them as you can see on this website….


All images here are low res to protect them, sorry.
Digi Photo Art
All images subject to exclusive copyright by Fred J. Quint 1970-2025 The Netherlands/Spain
Dream on
Going somewhere
Lisboa revisited
Goat herding
Greener grass
I just liked him
Laundry day Puebla
Burning love
And now?
After the revolution.jpg
Home sweet home
Nothing new
No way out
Proud to be
Rich man, poor man
Seperate ways
Sewing along
Somewhere, sometime
Strange constellation.jpg
From far away...
Water for Karachi I
Water for Karachi III
Wishful seeing
Just 2 minutes.psd
Tehran 1974 61-07 bew.jpg
Yellow cap
Another world.psd
Abbey Road?
Afraid of black or white?